
时间:2023-03-27 09:01:14 分类:演讲稿




there are more than friendship feeling making a person warmth? good wine is rare, buddy harder. friend is friend, and none can anything replace, absolutely nothing can describe - is all of the world, also cannot match friendship rose fragrance and beautiful.

friends, or the world's most pleasant things. friendship, is the world's most cannot lack of things. on a depressed people, friends, or even an encouraging than all the medicine are useful.

friends good relationships between both friendship, including understanding and appreciation, trust, tolerance, sacrifice... many virtues. friendship is the rain is the dark umbrella, flax, sail boat is the way the wind, rugged mountain trail armrest, friendship is one which isn't locked room, you can always knocking into; friendship is the key that can help you open your door.

however friendship is not available, is to keep the friendship of standard reduce some can really chendeqi friends or very rare. just think, if have money handling a trusted friend, you can have a few people? in your cengdeng frustrated or disease trouble also willing customarily6 wrapped and timely help a friend again several people? you go out in the outside occasion for your family will add caregivers and how many? take a further step drawing-room serving those moni in mind, can maintain long in the fall, and there were several people? the world is a friend of mine, but although no waving lantern to find, but he is like sand gold rush, and still need long time closing. once the true friendship, can cast bronze jian, never back with the turn.

adversity of friendship. well, in trouble, was suffering from a friend's help then to appear particularly valuable. sometimes, even if it is a dead concerns well-meaning eyes, will also be like a bunch of coals, in snow and ice in sending you warm. when you were successful and proud head, the friendship will like a pot of water, hood, put your head spilled to pour awake.

yes, friendship is perfected, is urgently needed, friendship is the sunlight avenue, more rugged climb to hike on the mutual walker.

friendship is a tree, with sincere and devotion to pour out, with trust and tolerance to cultivation. jealousy and suspicion is poison, can make the roots of friendship, loss of life leaves focal green.

friendship is intimate conversation, is silenced's care. friendship is never requiting paying, is unrestrained equal communication. friendship is understanding, respect, from an open heart into another open heart. friendship is expelled loneliness and despair of power.

friendship of joy is active. a person, though fame prominent, zhong twining waist, if there is no one can open thoracic forbidden by heart a heart of a true friend, ultimately sad pity. no friendship of life, is incomplete life, not worthy of envy.

no friendship, no friend of life, was a gloomy life, is a failure of life.









there is a saying goes,life without a friend is a life without a sun,that isto say,friendship is indispensable to peoples life.

friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. when you are happy friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack you can turn to friends for help.

every one need friends and if you fail to make friends you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality. maybe you have social faults such snobbishness talkativeness and using slang etc. all of that will drive your new acquaintances. whatever your social faults may be look at them honestly and make real effort to correct them.

however whatsquo;s actual difficult is that friendship is easier made than kept.there are several important elements necessary to maintain a good friendship.

listen .the ability to really listen to another is a cornerstone of good friendship.it helps you to understand your friend and his/her feelingsas well as shows that you really care.

spend quality time with your friend .no relationship can be satisfying without quality time spend together.make time for your friendschedule get together.

in short when we have established friendship we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. only thus can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.










炎炎夏日,友谊便似一杯清新透凉的冰红茶,滋润着人们干渴的喉咙。秋风瑟瑟,友谊就如随风而落的佳叶,构成了金秋时节的一道亮丽的风景线。 寒冬腊月,友谊就是一朵朵迎雪而立的梅花,绽放开来,温暖着人们的心田。

鲁迅和瞿秋白,在30年代白色恐怖笼罩下,曾结下一段崇高而感人的友谊。两人深深交谈后,都深深被对方高尚的人格,渊博的学识所吸引,很快成了志同道合的朋友。当时,瞿秋白先后几次到鲁迅 家过避难生活。在共同生活的日子里,他们一起评论文章,交流学问。这个故事,体现了鲁迅和瞿秋白两人真挚的友谊。

再比如,穿行在沙漠中的两个人是一对好朋友。途中,两人发生了激烈争执,其中的一个人掌了另外一个人一记响亮的耳光。被掌耳光的人什么话也没有说,只是在沙子上写到:“今天,我最好的朋友在我的脸上打了一耳光。” 他们继续行走,终于发现了一个绿洲,两人迫不及待地跳进水中洗澡,很不幸,被掌耳光的那个人深陷泥潭,眼看就要被溺死,他的朋友舍命相救,终于脱险。被救的人什么话也没有说,在石头上刻下一行字:“今天,我最好的朋友救了我的命。” 打人和救人的这个人问:“我打你的时候,你记在沙子上,我救你的时候,你记在石头上,为什么?” 另一个人答道:“当你有负于我的时候,我把它记在沙子上,风一吹,什么都没有了。当你有恩于我的时候,我把它记在石头上,什么时候都不会忘记。”

是的,友谊是关心,是互助,是春风,是暖流,是一个人进步的动力。友谊,是理想土壤中的小花,是宏伟乐章上的两个音符。没有友谊,生命之树就会在时间的涛声中枯萎;心灵之壤就会在季节的变奏里荒芜。古往今来,歌颂友谊的诗句有很多。李白的“桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情”,苏轼的“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”,王维的“劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人”,王勃的“海内存知己,天涯若比邻” ……千古年来,人们念着它们,受着它们的感染,演译着一幕幕动人的篇章。




good afternoon judgers.my name is pengqiaoyun,and my english name is ada.today i';ll tell you about my friend--lily.

actually i have a lot of friends, but my best friend is lily.we are both twelve so we have a lot of things to say and do.lily is a optimistic girl.she always smile so happy and say:"ada,i have seen a very funny thing ,so i want to tell you..."then she ';ll talk about the interesting thing unceasingly that i';ll listen to her with relish.at last we will laugh together.

now, i'm going to tell you guys how did i know her and how did we become best friends.i met lily last summer on a website called "hpfans". the strange thing is,i have never met her before, but when i talk to her i just feel like i knew her lone time ago.then we become friend.lily always tell me something i';ve never know before.we were very happy during a long time.but now because of study,we have not met each other for a long time. but i believe firmly she would never foget me and i will miss her too.our friendship is very firm that we will together again!that';s all.thank you!













没有他们,我们能够有现在的学识吗?没有他们,我们能健康的成长吗? 如果你是一个有心人,你会发现,我们的生活中满是恩泽。


如果心存感恩,我们就会在老师的批评教训甚至处罚中感悟到成长离不开教育,然后从心底里认可,老师对我们的教育是无私的。 同学们,请用行动表示我们的感激之情吧!为父母留下一个真心的微笑,为老师留下一点休息的时间,为朋友留下一双支持的友谊之手,为我们自己留下一颗感恩的心。让我们感激周围的每一个人,用宽容的心对待生活;用快乐的心改变生活;用感恩的心享受生活!只要我们心怀感恩,便会发现,生活原来如此的美丽。




